The project is a planning solution of the phenomenon of migratory sands that threaten to cover considerable parts of the coastal plain, as happened in the area of the city of Holon in the 7th century AD.
Siran Square, a commercial center planned by arch. Itzhak Perlstein, has become a case study for our proposal for architectural solutions for this apocalyptic prediction.
The proposal: since sandstorms can reach great heights, we chose to produce another envelope for the building, made out of “breathable” glass with vents between the glass plates and combined with ceramic tiles (all products come from sand) and measured in certain areas, something that allows operation during routine times and also during emergencies.

This envelope provides protection for the structure during a sandstorm, allowing sand to slide out of it and not penetrate the structure, strong and flexible to deal with the forces of nature that was predicted. In addition, it provides several benefits for the original structure such as: regulating light and shade, airflow that consumes less electricity, ventilation, creating additional spaces for various uses etc.

Siran Square, Holon
Planned by architect Itzhak Perlstein, 1966

Prefab facades & reinforced concrete

Holon area over the years

The chaotic forecast for the near future

The new glass & ceramic envelope

The stages of the planning process






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